SMA Europe Call for Projects 2011
Folgende Projekte werden gefördert:
Matthew Wood, Universität Oxford, Großbritannien
“Exosome delivery of splice switching oligonucleotides for the treatment of SMA”
Umrao Monani, Columbia Universität, USA
“Investigating novel genetic determinants of the SMA phenotype”
Tilman Achsel, Universität von Leuven, Belgien
“mRNA transport in SMA pathogenesis”
Markus Rießland, Universität zu Köln, Deutschland“
Molecular and functional analysis of a new modifier of SMA”Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is the most common hereditary cause of early infant death. There is no cure available for this very frequent genetic disorder (heterozygousity frequency 1:35). Very few individuals – although carrying the genetic predisposition for SMA – stay asymptomatic. In this project we aim to functionally characterize a novel SMA protective modifying factor. Our research – based on common model organisms for SMA – will bring deeper insight into the pathology of SMA and will open new ways for therapies for neurodegenerative disorders.
Yannick Tanguy, L’Institut de Myologie, Paris, Frankreich
“New approaches to drug discovery in SMA: using RNA secondary structure as a new therapeutic target”
Kathleen Mahias, Universität Rouen, Frankreich
“Evaluation of the contribution of SMN1 and SMN2 sequence variants to the clinical severity of SMA” (Anschlussförderung)